Request a payment refund
Sometimes some content may not be satisfactory. We understand that.
If you want to request a refund, please refer to the tutor directly, since he is the main seller of the online course. You can also contact us via
When am I eligible for a course refund?
- If a Tutor accept a refund for a course
- If a course contains inappropriate content and violates our Ethics Policy and Code of Conduct
When am I not eligible for a course refund?
- When you have completed a course
- If you have ordered a reward or a physical product
- If you don't like the course that much
- If a course content is no longer up to date
- When some buildings blocks, elements, modules (temporarily) not working anymore or were removed
When will I receive my refund?
Requesting a refund will result in contacting the author of the course, where it may be necessary to investigate the course content. You should receive a response usually within from 14 to 30 days. In special cases, it may take more time.
Refund policy
teachr online courses have modules (building blocks) and functions. Not all modules will be available to all teachr users at all times and we are not obligated to make services or features available at all times, especially if those features utilize third party software. We reserve the right to block, change or remove functions and components and building blocks at any time and without prior notice.
You understand that no claim for reimbursement of expenses or damages can arise from this that would be declared justified due to lack of access to parts of the course.
No liability up-to-dateness
teachr is not liable for the up-to-dateness of the courses and the course content and also not liable for any, especially disadvantages, misinformation, which can result from the use of learning content. The Campus Owner as seller of the online courses is obliged to keep his courses up to date and to constantly check them for function and correctness and to find new course elements or alternatives for the presentation of his course content if elements are no longer available.
Disclaimer for content
teachr does not check the content of the courses in advance. Therefore, teachr has the discretion to block or remove courses, content, or building blocks under guidelines written in our Terms of Use, including if we determine, in our sole discretion, that content uploaded through teachr by the course author or campus owner violates our Terms of Use or Terms and Conditions of our integrated third-party providers. In this case, components of the online course or the entire online course may be deleted without notice. It is at teachr’s sole discretion to initiate a refund of the purchase price for the use or continued use of the online course. In particular, this is not possible if it is not possible to enforce a refund claim to the course author, campus owner as provider of the courses via the payment provider Stripe. In this case, the purchaser of the courses must inform the responsible course author in time and in adequate lead time about the shortcoming. If the latter reasonably fails to remedy the defect, legal action shall be directed exclusively to the Seller, but not to teachr.
Refund of test payments
If you are a tutor and would like to refund a trial payment in your payment settings, please note that we cannot refund payments that directly result in the purchase of a physical product, such as a premium product. Physical products are excluded from refund and so is the entire course trial payment.